Economic, cultural, & social growth
in Downtown Fort Collins

Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority

The Downtown Development Authority is a steward of the neighborhood at the heart of Fort Collins – the Downtown.

Since our inception in 1981 by a vote of district property owners and residents, the DDA had been guided by our Plan of Development and our

Mission: to build public-private investment partnerships that foster economic, cultural and social growth in the central business district.

2023 Downtown Fort Collins Parking and Travel Habit Survey Analysis

This report, prepared by the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), was based on a survey conducted from January 20th to February 12, 2023. The survey was distributed through the DDA’s Destination Downtown newsletter, Downtown Fort Collins Facebook, and Instagram social media.

The survey data is intended to inform the DDA’s Business Marketing and Communications Program activities. This survey will also be shared with the City of Fort Collins Parking Services and FC Moves departments for interrelated planning efforts.


Event in Old Town Square with musicians on stage, several booths and a large crowd.

Old Town Square

Old Town Square is a public space owned and managed by the DDA in the heart of downtown Fort Collins. It is surrounded by historic buildings, shops, galleries and restaurants. Following a major renovation project in 2015, the Square is more popular than ever as a gathering space and cultural center. The stage is host to many performances and events throughout the year. To view upcoming events in Old Town Square and downtown, visit

Old Town Square with many children, families and people enjoying the the water feature with the pop jets on, and many people sitting on benches and chairs around the water feature, with trees in bloom.


Check out our live webcam of Old Town Square. Whether it’s a bustling weekday or a fun-filled weekend, feel the pulse of Fort Collins from wherever you are.

Image of an alley entrance in Downtown Fort Collins, with caption of downtown fort collins on the bottom of the picture

As part of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), the Business Marketing & Communications (BMC) program advances marketing efforts that communicate the downtown’s distinctive qualities and generate promotions to enhance the prosperity of the businesses and stakeholders within the DDA boundary. Learn more about promotional events, downtown restaurants, retailers, arts organizations, entertainment venues, and professional service providers.

A picture of a red sculpture made of metal in the form of a multi-dimensional person squatting with hands in the air


Our Art Activation program goal is to help all Fort Collins residents recognize and embrace the artist within themselves and appreciate the art and artists within their community.

A picture of a building with enclosed balcony of one of the businesses located in The Exchange


The DDA funds projects, both public and private, that add to the vitality, excitement, activity, vibrancy, diversity and attractiveness of our community. We partner with private property owners through our Tax Increment Investment program and through our Façade Grant Program.