Downtown Alleys

In 2004, the City’s Fort Collins Downtown Strategic Plan identified the alleys in the Downtown area as an untapped opportunity for enhanced pedestrian connections.

In 2006, Trimble Court and Tenney Court were the the first two alleys to be enhanced.

In 2008, the DDA engaged local design firm Russell+Mills Studios to create a master plan of the alleys between CSU, Downtown and the River District. This master plan is a vision for what the alleys could potentially become with both public and private investments.

In 2010, the first two alleys designed for full vehicular access were constructed; Old Firehouse Alley West and Montezuma Fuller Alley.

In 2011, Dalzell Alley was completed between Laurel and West Myrtle across from CSU.

In 2018, two additional alleys were completed; Beardmore/Godinez/Reidhead Alleys, which includes a beautiful cable art feature and Old Firehouse Alley East/Seckner Alley with an interactive wall mural painted by Peeta and brought to life by Alt Ethos.

In 2022, two new alleys were completed: Tenney Court North that features vinyl wrap mural installations at select locations on the façade of the Civic Center Parking Structure, and West Oak Street Alley with fan art structures at the access points.

In 2024, enhancements to the East Myrtle Street, West Olive Street and Harper-Goff Alleys were completed.  East Myrtle features regional “artifact” themed installations such as illuminated ram horns as well as overhead motion activated and ground projection lighting.  West Olive features a ribbon theme through the alley celebrating connectivity through the use of illuminated aluminum structures overhead and ground level concrete and bench installations.   In Harper-Goff Alley, two prominent metal arches provide a dramatic gateway from Pine Street.  An illuminated metal wall panel is featured at the alley’s midpoint.

Trimble Court - Completed 2006

Tenney Court - Completed 2006

Old Firehouse Alley (West) - Completed 2010

Montezuma Fuller Alley - Completed 2010

Dalzell Alley - Completed 2011

Beardmore/Godinez/Reidhead Alleys - Completed 2018

Old Firehouse East/Seckner Alley - Completed 2018

Tenney Court North- Completed 2022

West Oak Street - Completed 2022

West Olive Street - Completed 2024

East Myrtle Street - Completed 2024

Harper Goff - Completed 2024