Created in 1981, the Downtown Development Authority uses tax increment financing to stimulate redevelopment in the central business district. The Authority focuses on projects that have benefit for the entire community. It uses its financial resources to directly leverage private investment.

Typically the DDA will partner with a developer, business owner, or property owner in a manner that “induces” a private investment in real estate improvements. The DDA’s participation in such public-private partnerships ranges from a few thousand dollars to investments in excess of $5 million.

Our Team

Matt Robenalt, Executive Director
Tel: 970-419-4381

Krista Knott, Administrative Manager
Tel: 970-484-2020

Karen Doty, Administrative Assistant
Tel: 970-484-2020

Todd Dangerfield, Project Manager  for Capital Projects
Tel: 970-419-8254

Derek Getto, Project Manager for Policy & Programs
Tel: 970-419-4383

Tom Dent, Technology & Maintenance Manager
Tel: 720-421-3092

Kristy Klenk, Finance & HR Manager
Tel: 970-419-4378

Jala Curtis, Marketing & Communications Program Supervisor
Tel: (970) 484-6500

Janna Dickerson, Marketing Communications Coordinator
Tel: (970) 419-4386

The DDA District

The DDA district includes roughly 783 acres and is divided into some very distinct neighborhoods. The old city center at the intersection of College and Mountain includes most of the historic building stock and is characterized by two- and three-story structures. To the north and east and along the banks of the Poudre River the character becomes somewhat more industrial but also includes restaurants and office buildings. Banks, professional offices and government buildings are located west of the core area.

Map showing the boundary of Downtown Development Authority



DDA Plan of Development

The Downtown Development Authority’s Plan of Development provides important direction for the future development of the downtown area.

The Plan was adopted by City Council on September 8, 1981.

DDA Alley Master Plan

In 2008, the Downtown Development Authority engaged local design firm Russell+Mills Studios to create a master plan of the alleys between CSU, Downtown and the River District.

This master plan is a vision for what the alleys could potentially become with both public and private investments.


City of Fort Collins Pedestrian Plan

In 1996, the City of Fort Collins developed the Pedestrian Plan to promote a pedestrian-friendly environment to encourage the choice to walk for visitors, students, and residents.

The Pedestrian Plan outlines issues and proposes solutions to problems for pedestrians with the ultimate goal being safe, easy, and convenient pedestrian travel for all members of the community.

City of Fort Collins Downtown Plan

The Fort Collins Downtown Plan serves as a guide and inspiration for budgets, projects, programs, investments, regulations and other efforts focused in the downtown area.

Adopted by City Council in 1989, the plan helped shaped the downtown as it exists today. The new Downtown Plan, adopted by City Council in March 2017, updates the vision, policy direction, and action items for the next 10-20 years. In addition, the new Downtown Plan incorporated completed planning efforts and studies (e.g., the Poudre River Downtown Master Plan, the citywide Pedestrian Plan, and the Bicycle Master Plan) into a comprehensive plan for Downtown Fort Collins

The IDA Logo which states "Inspiring leaders shaping cities".

DDA Affiliation with International Downtown Association

The Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority is proud to be affiliated with the International Downtown Association (IDA). The IDA is a global leader and advocate for creating vibrant, livable urban centers. Through its dedicated network of individuals, comprehensive knowledge base, and exceptional ability to foster community-building partnerships, the IDA is a driving force that promotes the development of healthy and dynamic downtowns that anchor the well-being of towns, cities, and regions worldwide.