Locally Crafted and Painted Adirondack Furniture

Each summer selected artists from Fort Collins paint locally crafted wooden Adirondack chairs and tables to display in Old Town Square for the public to use for picnics or gathering around the Splash Pad. A stipend is given to the artists upon completion of the program project. New artists are selected each year to paint another round of chairs and tables to display in the Square.
This year, six artists will be painting the tables and chairs on June 14, 2025. Come down to enjoy the art during this festive day! 

Past Paint Projects

paint supplies and a bucket of green paint
woman painting Adirondack chair
woman painting Adirondack table
Man showcasing painted Adirondack table with a patriotic popsicle painting
woman displaying painted Adirondack chair with multiple eyeballs painted with pink background

Event Information please contact
oldtownsquare@fcdda.com | 970-484-2020
Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority 

The Downtown Development Authority Logo

Project Information please contact
Amanda DeAngelis | amanda@nolacreativecompany.com
NOLA Creative Company

NOLA Creative Co logo